Monday, June 11, 2012

Let's try this again...

I'm back!

It has been only two years since my last blog post and I've really been itching to get back at it.  Life has changes so much since my last blog post and it seems I have even more to talk about and more things that I want to share! 

Since my last post, Todd and I have celebrated our 4th wedding anniversarry and we've welcomed our son Jackson into the world.  He's almost 8 months old (on June 13th) and has brought us more joy that could ever be explained.

I'm currently obsessed with Instagram (find me: ashlyebrink) and Pinterest (look for Ashlye Brink) and being Todd's wife and Jackson's mommy.  When I have any spare time (mostly after Jackson goes to bed...) I like to browse my favorite blogs and watch reality television with my hubby.  Even if he doesn't want to. ;)

Here are some photos from this last weekend to get this party started.  I don't know how often I'll be posting but I'm hoping it will help me to keep track of the memories we are making.  I take pictures constantly so this will be a good way to force myself into editing them more often and sharing them with our friends and family.  I love sharing a little bit of our lives with you and I hope that someone finds my little bit of cyber space to be at least slightly entertaining!! 

Jackson playing blocks with Daddy.

This kid loves playing in the water...check out those two tiny teeth finally coming through!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and their week so far!  I know it is only Monday but we can do this!  I'll check back during the week to document more that our little family has been up to.  Until then... Happy Monday and Goodnight!!


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